Cookie Policy of Clasora Platform

Last updated: September 09, 2024

This Cookie Policy describes Our policies and procedures on use of Cookies necessary for us to provide our services.

Cookies are a small text files stored on your device to enhance your experience on the website and in application.

Applications use cookies for many different purposes, including but not limited to:

  • * Provide you with essential functionalities of our application.
  • * Personalize content.

We use cookies according to applicable national and international laws.

This cookie declaration aims to inform you about our use of cookies, what types of cookies we use, and why we use them. We are committed to full transparency regarding your privacy while using our website. In the rest of this cookie declaration, you'll find all the essential information about it.

Essential cookies

We always use the essential cookies. They allow us to provide you with the essential features of our website, such as website navigation or logging in the secured areas. Using them is in your best interest, hence all the applicable personal data protection laws allow us to use them freely. We use the following essential cookies:

clasora_sessionClasoraclasora.comCalculate dynamically + one year, then display that date. For example: 2025-03-01.First-Party cookieUsed by Clasora to keep track of your session.
XSRF-TOKENClasoraclasora.comCalculate dynamically + one year, then display that date. For example: 2025-03-01.First-Party cookieUsed by Clasora to protect web applications from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.
token_stateClasoraclasora.comSessionFirst-Party cookieUsed by Clasora to keep track of the current status of a token.

Poštujemo vašu privatnost i težimo ka najboljem iskustvu na sajtu u skladu sa GDPR-om. Omogućavanje kolačića pruža personalizovano iskustvo, dok njihovo onemogućavanje može smanjiti personalizaciju. Slobodno ažurirajte svoje preferencije u bilo kom trenutku. Vaš pristanak važi 12 meseci. Za više informacija, molimo vas da pročitate sledeće dokumente: Politika privatnosti i Politika upotrebe kolačića.