Private French lessons

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Hi there. Greetings. I am French native speaker and an online French tutor with 5 years of experience. I am currently teaching children of Chinese immigrants in Vancouver, Canada. I have spots for new students. I teach via zoom. If you intend to have well designed and fun lessons, book a trial class with me.
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Online classTeaches in: English
15 USD
60 min
I offer thorough and high-quality lessons in English, French, mathematics, and physics for elementary and high school students, as well as preparation for entrance exams and the final exam. The price for a 90-minute lesson is 2500 RSD. I teach in Serbian, English, and French. Lessons can be conducted in person in Belgrade or online if you're not in Belgrade.
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In-person location: Beograd, SerbiaOnline classTeaches in: English, Serbian, French
2500 RSD
90 min
Want to learn a language from a native speaker or foreign tutor? Check out these posts.
Mia Novakovski Profile Picture
Mia Novakovski
2 weeks ago
Francuski jezik je jezik koji mnogima predstavlja problem. Smatram da niko ne treba da oseti da nešto ne može ili da je nešto nemoguće. Zbog toga, hajde da sve što možemo olakšamo! Jezici moraju da se uče temeljno sa strpljenjem. Osoba sam koja jaki voli jezike i svaki jezik koji učim volim da saznam o kulturi te zemlje u kojoj se on priča. Volela bih da moju ljubav prema Francuskom prenesem drugoj deci. Nastava bi se održavala 45 min, kroz tu nastavu bih se potrudila da pojasnim, objasnim i olakšam deci sve što im nije jasno.
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Online classTeaches in: Serbian, French
500 RSD
45 min
Isidora Antić Profile Picture
Isidora Antić
1 week ago
Konverzacija, izgovor, učenje osnovne komunikacije na francuskom jeziku, vežbe iz gramatike, pomoć pri izradi domaćih zadataka, priprema za pismene zadatke i kontrolne zadatke, pisanje sastava, prevod tekstova, razjašnjavanje gradiva, priprema za prijemne ispite, spremanje ispita DELF (A1 - B2 nivo) i raznih drugih ispita, izrada kolokvijuma i ispita.
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In-person location: Pirot, SerbiaOnline classTeaches in: Serbian, French
1000 RSD
45 min

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