Prywatne lekcje włoskiego
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Private Italian lessons
Every student is unique, with individual needs, so I tailor a personalized learning path for each one, considering their goals, age, and the time they have available. I always share materials so students can review and study independently. While I find it easier to teach adults, teaching children is also very possible. Ideally, when teaching kids, having a parent involved helps maintain focus and encourages joint learning, making the experience more effective.I strive to make learning enjoyable because it makes the process much smoother. A particularly engaging aspect is teaching how Italians use gestures in communication. This adds a rich, broad, and fun dimension to the lessons, often accompanied by amusing anecdotes about cultural misunderstandings. It's always a hit and really enhances the learning experience!
Guido Martinelli
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Italian Italian lessons
Every student is unique, with individual needs, so I tailor a personalized learning path for each one, considering their goals, age, and the time they have available. I always share materials so students can review and study independently. While I find it easier to teach adults, teaching children is also very possible. Ideally, when teaching kids, having a parent involved helps maintain focus and encourages joint learning, making the experience more effective.I strive to make learning enjoyable because it makes the process much smoother. A particularly engaging aspect is teaching how Italians use gestures in communication. This adds a rich, broad, and fun dimension to the lessons, often accompanied by amusing anecdotes about cultural misunderstandings. It's always a hit and really enhances the learning experience!
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Zajęcia onlineNaucza w: angielski, włoski
Every student is unique, with individual needs, so I tailor a personalized learning path for each one, considering their goals, age, and the time they have available. I always share materials so students can review and study independently. While I find it easier to teach adults, teaching children is also very possible. Ideally, when teaching kids, having a parent involved helps maintain focus and encourages joint learning, making the experience more effective.I strive to make learning enjoyable because it makes the process much smoother. A particularly engaging aspect is teaching how Italians use gestures in communication. This adds a rich, broad, and fun dimension to the lessons, often accompanied by amusing anecdotes about cultural misunderstandings. It's always a hit and really enhances the learning experience!
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Zajęcia onlineNaucza w: angielski, włoski
60 min