il y a 1 jour
Biljana Ćirić

Leçons privées de serbe, Biljana Ćirić

2000 RSD
60 min

Learn the Serbian language with an experienced teacher and an individualized, contemporary cultural approach. Learn more about Serbian culture, history, film, literature, art and religion through organized visits of cultural institutions in Serbia.

Modern technologies, artificial intelligence, as well as contemporary methodological approaches, will make your learning of the Serbian language simple and interesting.
In addition to the standard learning model, I offer the business model. By using Serbian language in this way, you will become more competitive in the market and achieve a successful career in Serbia.

Lieu de la classe

Beograd, Serbia

Niveaux et certifications

  • Université
  • Lycée
  • Collège
  • Préparation à l'examen final
  • Préparation à la remise des diplômes scolaires

Le tuteur parle

  • Serbe
  • Anglais

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