Leçons privées d'allemand - Commerce

Добро дошли на нашу платформу, место где ученици брзо проналазе идеалног предавача, а предавачи могу бесплатно поставити своје огласе.

Регистрација и постављање огласа ће увек бити бесплатни.

Vous souhaitez apprendre une langue avec un locuteur natif ou un tuteur étranger ? Consultez ces annonces.
I give private German language lessons for primary and secondary school students, as well as adult students.
Classes are held live, or online, via Google Meet, Whats up or Skype.
For adult students, the classes use literature published by Hueber - Schritte, Menschen, etc., as well as published by Cornelsen - das Leben, which has proven to be the most effective method in learning the German language. The lessons include:
- preparation for taking internationally recognized certificates and exams: Goethe, ÖSD, Telc, Pflege...
- learning the German language itself as a foreign language - Deutsch als Fremdsprache
- preparation of medical staff for taking exams and going abroad
Classes for school age are designed according to the school plan and program, as well as according to extended material and interactive teaching for students who want more knowledge. Grammar exercises, translations and retellings of texts, preparations for control and written tasks, as well as competitions and taking the DSD 1 and DSD 2 exams. Integrative approach and combining various learning methods - listening exercises, understanding and development of communication skills, as well as learning through games through memory cards and video content.
Many years of teaching experience.
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Предаје на локацији: Beograd, СрбијаОнлине часПредаје на језику: српски, енглески, немачки
15 EUR
90 мин

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